8 September, 2009

The AGM took place today (8th September 2009) at 2.00 pm.

Ashtead Group plc held its AGM at 2.00 pm on Tuesday 8 September 2009 in London.


AGM Statement

Ashtead Group plc held its AGM at 2.00 pm on Tuesday 8 September 2009 in London.

The Board is pleased to confirm that all resolutions placed before the meeting were carried on a show of hands by the members.

The proxy votes were as follows:

1. That the accounts for the year ended 30 April 2009, the directors' report and the auditors' report be adopted326,658,9827,22599,498
2. That a final dividend of 1.675 pence per ordinary share be declared for the year ended 30 April 2009326,676,8076,40082,498
3. That Michael Burrow be re-elected as a director of the Company322,816,6253,827,342121,738
4. That Bruce Edwards be re-elected as a director of the Company322,768,2193,878,551118,935
5. That Hugh Etheridge be re-elected as a director of the Company322,807,1883,839,582118,935
6. That Joseph Phelan be elected as a director of the Company322,749,7633,897,007118,935
7. That Deloitte LLP be re-appointed as auditors of the Company326,424,212250,97590,518
8. That the directors be authorised to determine the auditors remuneration326,453,868221,31990,518
9. That the directors' remuneration report be approved320,120,7413,706,7642,938,199
10. That the directors are hereby authorised to allot relevant securities under section 80 of the Companies Act 1985299,710,45413,934,12813,121,122
11. That the director's be empowered to disapply the provisions of section 89(1) of the Companies Act 1985326,404,724192,095168,886
12. That the directors be authorised to make market purchases of the Company's shares under section 166 of the Companies Act 1985323,093,314681,6092,990,781
13. That a general meeting other than an annual general meeting may be called on not less than 14 clear days' notice315,035,04411,614,920115,741


Chris ColeChairman                020 7314 5121
Geoff DrabbleChief executive020 7726 9700  
Brian HudspithMaitland                020 7379 5151